Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Base Housing

Living room from the Front Door
We think it will fit our furniture!

View from opposite side of the room
Thank goodness for screen doors, there are gnats here

View of the kitchen from the hallway, large closet
Yes, that is an island, and it is movable

Another view of the kitchen. The large closet on the left is the Washer & Dryer
The smaller closet is a huge pantry

Another kitchen view. Full size fridge and dishwasher

Guest bedroom/Office

Master bedroom with floor to ceiling closets. They are in both bedrooms!
Yea!! We finally moved into our base housing. So far, we have loaner furniture, as we have no idea where ours is at. As of know, we think it is still in CA, waiting for the boat! In the mean time, we can at least unpack our bags, and know that we don't have to pack it up for at least 3 years...unless we decide to move to a bigger house once Jon picks up rank (don't think we will move).
We are keeping busy over here, as much as we can. Today was Jon's first official day back to work, which Tracy had to drive him to. Since Jon was not completely checked in on base, they would not allow him to get his SOFA license, so Tracy is the only driver...did we tell you they drive on the wrong side of the car as well as the road...Scary!! We have 2 cars now, one we bought, and one we were given for free. The free van has literally been passed through everyone at Jon's shop. So we get it, and will then pass it on to the next guy that comes along needing a car.
We can now get into a routine, now that we are finally done with the pack/move/unpack routine. We can finally get settled into our home, and count back the days til we get to come home!
With Jon working, Tracy has been keeping busy running around the base getting little things done. It took 3 days to license/register, insure and transfer titles on cars. In between all the little errands, Tracy has been applying for several different jobs. One nursing position is available on base, but unfortunately the application period goes until August. In the mean time, Tracy is going to start volunteering at the Red Cross, using that as way to get her feet in the door for a nursing job. First up, Tracy is going to become a certified CPR instructor, and start teaching the CPR classes on the fun!
Other than that, we are going day by day, and still getting adjusted to life in Japan.
Once our furniture gets here, we will start taking reservations for the guest room...start saving your money!!


  1. We are preparing to move to Iwakuni as well but as my husband is a civillian working for the government we are not given priority for base housing and will live off base. Do you know anything about housing off base as far as size and how nice it is?

  2. We are set to leave here on July 1 so I am not exactly sure when we will arrive there. A day or so after that, I guess. They told us it was a 2 year wait for on base housing so we just supposed we would have to go off base, which is fine. We were told we coudl stay in temp lodging as well for at least a month or so until we found a place to live. We are all very excited; we have 3 boys ages 13 (almost 14), 12 and 10. Thanks for your input, it is appreciated.

  3. OK another question for y'all. Someone told me that the Japanese don't like for Americans to hang things on the walls of the homes off base. Is there anyway you can try to validate this? Maybe someone you know lives off base and you could ask them? I have many wall hangings and if we can't hang them then I will leave them here. OK so tell me about yall...
