We spent a long weekend away due to Tracy coaching a swim meet in Sasebo. On Sunday,we got up early and headed over to Nagasaki for the day. Nagasaki is where the 2nd atomic bomb was dropped, just 2 days after the first in Hiroshima.
Kind of a confusing street sign...then again after a year of driving here, I have come to learn there are no 90 degree turns
Entrance to the Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall
My favorite type of admission....FREE

Kinda hard to see.....the top number is the number of people killed in the bombing 76,000 give or take 10,000

Little article about the remembrance hall at Nagasaki

Part of the remembrance hall. The pillars filter the light in the direction of the hypocenter. The pillar at the very end holds the names of those killed following the bombing.
Statue of a woman holding a dead baby following the bombing

The hypocenter of the Plutonium Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki

Map that shows the extent of the damage caused by the bomb

Fountain of Peace - the fountain was designed to spray water in the form of "wings of a dove"
The Peace Statue....the warrior is calm yet prepared for fighting

Constellation Earth Statue designed by the University of St. Paul Minnesota
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