Torii Pines Golf Course
This is the base golf course, it is only 9 holes, and due to be torn out soon to make room for more base housing.
Cpl. Neher teeing off
I don't know how to turn the pictures...sorry
Jon lining up his shot
The tee-boxes are about the nicest thing this course has to offer. The fairways are weeds-not grass, and the greens are as dry as they can be.
There are some fairways where the grass was 6 inches tall in some places....oh and mud!
Can you tell what these are....F-18's
Yea this part of the golf course is next to the F-18 hangars. Nothing like the smell of JP-5 (jet-fuel) in the afternoon!
Me trying to get to the green! I have no idea what hole I am on
The last tee-box.
You can sort of make out the white flag past the fence to the left...The pink tee box is mine, the men's is about 20 yards behind me!
This is the sign at the last tee-box...SERIOUSLY!!
This is the yardage to the "Irons only" hole(s)
So we finally hit up the Torii Pines golf course on base...definitely not the best round of golf for us. The greens are dry, the fairways are long and muddy, and the tee-boxes, well that's the good part. It was a good day though, it was very sunny, warm and there was a slight breeze. Better than sitting on our butts at home!