How could I forget to update everyone on our "new" news! Every year the Marine Corps selects Marines that are getting close to the 8-9 year mark. If a Marine has not completed a "B" billet, they are looked at...the list is called the HSST List, or the HRST List, don't ask me what this means. Ok I googled it, and this is what I got "HQMC RECRUITING SCREENING TEAM (HRST) TO HQMC SPECIAL DUTY ASSIGNMENT SCREENING TEAM (HSST)".
Whatever, the list came out, and Jon's name was on the list. Basically, it means that since he has not completed a "B" billet, has needs to put in an application for one, and his options are DI (Drill Instructor), Combat Instructor, Recruiter, Special Security, and I am sure there are a few more, but I do not remember. So with Jon being selected, he had a short time to get all of his paperwork together. Not only did he have a lot of paperwork to complete, but he needed to make sure all of his medical and personnel files were up to date.
We discussed the avenue Jon would pursue, and decided that for our future, recruiting would be the best option. He submitted his package, and the waiting game began!
FAST FORWARD 8 weeks - (like I mentioned, I forgot this update)
The day that Tracy picked up her Medevac Orders for Yokosuka, she ran into one of Jon's Marines in the parking lot of the clinic. The Marine asked if Jon had heard anything regarding his selection, and I mentioned that I did not think the results were out....well guess what, they came out that day, and Jon's name was on the list.
I immediately ran to my car, and called Jon. Our conversation was short but very exciting. Jon did not even know that he was selected...go figure, always the last to know. When Jon finally found the results, it had his actual class date posted. Jon was selected for FY14-1. When I asked what this meant, Jon said it was the first class of the Fiscal Year 2014...guess what, the Fiscal Year starts at the end of September. Jon came home and did some researching, and found out that his class is scheduled for October-December 2013....that is now 5 months from now...WHOOOHOOO!!
What does this mean - Jon will leave Iwakuni, Japan sometime in October for San Diego for an 8 week training. Baby girl and I will stay behind, and take care of business here, waiting for final orders.
We should know 3 weeks into Jon's program where our next duty station will be....again, it is anyone's guess as to where we will wind up, all we know is it will be somewhere in the US!!
A blog about the Macdonalds and their adventures of being a Marine Corps family!
Monday, April 29, 2013
26.5 Weeks.....Oh baby!
What a difference 2.5 weeks can make on a baby belly! One night I go to sleep with a semi-flat belly, and the next day I wake up with a soccer ball for a belly!
She is still small (in weight that is), but she is LONG! She is a very active little girl, and let's Jon and I know that she is in there, with her round-house kicks at all hours of the day!
As you can tell....she is hanging out just in the front. Maybe my height has something to do with that....the fact that I am six feet tall (Ok 5'11.5) might help me look a little thinner....although, this is not going to last too much longer!
She is still small (in weight that is), but she is LONG! She is a very active little girl, and let's Jon and I know that she is in there, with her round-house kicks at all hours of the day!
As you can tell....she is hanging out just in the front. Maybe my height has something to do with that....the fact that I am six feet tall (Ok 5'11.5) might help me look a little thinner....although, this is not going to last too much longer!
Baby Girl Update - 24 Weeks
We have made it to 24 weeks! We had an appointment at 23 weeks (yea, we are a week off), and it was basically to update our Dr. on our trip to Yokosuka, as well as have her update us on what the Radiologist had to say about our baby girl.
Basically, we were told that she is doing great, and that she is a skinny baby....for now! She measured in the 90% for her height, but only at 34% for her weight. I promise I am eating....just not all day (like some preggers do)!
Basically, we were told that she is doing great, and that she is a skinny baby....for now! She measured in the 90% for her height, but only at 34% for her weight. I promise I am eating....just not all day (like some preggers do)!
We are slowly getting everything is hard living overseas! We do not have a Carter's or a Target to walk in and look at items, and what we do have on base is limited....oh well, I have a feeling Nana & Papa will be spoiling her!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Baby Update...continued!
So the base we live on, does not have a hospital to deliver at. Our options are USN Hospital Yokosuka, or to deliver at a local Japanese Hospital. Jon and I both agreed that we did not want to experience the local hospital, and opted for the Naval Hospital.
We were told that at 20 weeks we would be sent to Yokosuka for our "big" ultrasound. This is also a way to familiarize ourselves with the travel route it takes to get to Yokosuka.
Thursday March 21, 2013
Jon and I took a long trip to United States Naval Hospital in Yokosuka, Japan which is about an hour (via city train) some direction from Tokyo. To get to Yokosuka, we had to first get on the Shin-kansen in Iwakuni to Hiroshima, where we switch to a larger Shin for the long ride to Shinagawa. This ride is about 5 hours of total travel time. Once at Shinagawa, we transferred over to the city train that takes us to all, it is about 7+ hours of travel.
Once in Yokosuka, we checked into our room at the Navy Gateway, and found the hospital. We had to check in with Medevac Yokosuka so that they would not cancel our appointment for the next day. After we checked in (took 30 seconds), we started to get familiar with the base. The base is not huge, but I think it is a little bigger than ours.
We found the Navy Exchange, and the Commissary and walked around. We bought a few groceries at the commissary since we were going to be there for 3 days. Our first night there was kind of a short I was exhausted after travelling all day. We called it an early night, and prepared ourselves for an exciting Friday!
Friday March 22, 2013
Today is the big day....too bad our appointment is not until 1:15pm....long morning of waiting. We both woke up around 5:30am (on our day off) excited for the big ultrasound. We finally left the room around 8:00am on the hunt for coffee and some breakfast. We found the Starbucks on Yokosuka and grabbed a coffee, then headed out to find some breakfast. After breakfast we walked around the base, basically to kill time. We shopped the exchange again...but came up empty. We shopped for baby stuff, but since we had no idea who we were shopping for, it was not any fun....then again, we did not care for any of their baby stuff.
Finally noon rolls around, and we decide to grab a bite to eat, and try to get the baby happy for it's big debut. We had to make a quick run back to the room to grab our paperwork so that after our appointment, we can check out.
We arrived early for our appointment, and waited (for those that know Tracy, patience is not something she is good at). Finally at 1:15pm the radiology tech called our name.
He took us back to the room, and explained the ultrasound process, and what he would be looking for.
He covered my belly with goop, and the fun started. First he located the heartbeat, and then figured out which direction baby was laying. He told us that baby was on it's back, with it's feet folded up by its belly (flexible).
He did a quick once-over and located a head, heart, 2 arms, spine, belly, and 2 legs. It was at this time he asked if we wanted to know what we were having.....YES!!!!
He looked and said that "there are no boy parts, so I would say it is a GIRL!!!! We kind of had an idea it was a girl, but now we know for sure.
The rest of the ultrasound was measuring how big her head is, her belly, her femurs etc. The tech was very focused on her heart, and mentioned a thousand times that she has a 4 chamber heart....this is normal. The tech pointed out the lungs, kidneys and bladder, and checked blood flow through all. He then went back to baby's head, and this is where things got interesting. He was trying to focus in on her face, and she was not cooperating. Several times she placed her hands over her face. At one point she started to suck her thumb (we will have to break that habit). The tech started to get a little frustrated, and at one time, she actually flipped him off....yep that's our girl.
After about 80 minutes, the tech was finally done. He wiped off all of the goop (I think about half a gallon was used), gave us our copies of the pictures, and sent us on our way.
We checked out with Medevac, and went back to our room to inform the family. On our way back to the room, it hit Jon....he was going to have a GIRL....he is now shopping for more guns!
We got back to the room, and not only was my mom online, so was my sister.....mind you it was 11:00pm in CA. We told them both, and they were very excited. We let our friends know next, and then the rest of the world via facebook.
That night, we went to dinner with Tracy's boss at the base Chili's (Iwakuni is the only base in Japan without a Chili's).
Saturday March 23, 2013
Today we came home. We literally took the same route but in reverse. We made it home by 3:30pm to Iwakuni, and we were very happy to be in our own home. We decided to grab a celebratory Indian Dinner at our favorite restaurant Taj, and called it an early night.....again.
We have a lot to do before our little girl comes, and we will get it all done eventually!
We were told that at 20 weeks we would be sent to Yokosuka for our "big" ultrasound. This is also a way to familiarize ourselves with the travel route it takes to get to Yokosuka.
Thursday March 21, 2013
Jon and I took a long trip to United States Naval Hospital in Yokosuka, Japan which is about an hour (via city train) some direction from Tokyo. To get to Yokosuka, we had to first get on the Shin-kansen in Iwakuni to Hiroshima, where we switch to a larger Shin for the long ride to Shinagawa. This ride is about 5 hours of total travel time. Once at Shinagawa, we transferred over to the city train that takes us to all, it is about 7+ hours of travel.
Once in Yokosuka, we checked into our room at the Navy Gateway, and found the hospital. We had to check in with Medevac Yokosuka so that they would not cancel our appointment for the next day. After we checked in (took 30 seconds), we started to get familiar with the base. The base is not huge, but I think it is a little bigger than ours.
We found the Navy Exchange, and the Commissary and walked around. We bought a few groceries at the commissary since we were going to be there for 3 days. Our first night there was kind of a short I was exhausted after travelling all day. We called it an early night, and prepared ourselves for an exciting Friday!
Friday March 22, 2013
Today is the big day....too bad our appointment is not until 1:15pm....long morning of waiting. We both woke up around 5:30am (on our day off) excited for the big ultrasound. We finally left the room around 8:00am on the hunt for coffee and some breakfast. We found the Starbucks on Yokosuka and grabbed a coffee, then headed out to find some breakfast. After breakfast we walked around the base, basically to kill time. We shopped the exchange again...but came up empty. We shopped for baby stuff, but since we had no idea who we were shopping for, it was not any fun....then again, we did not care for any of their baby stuff.
Finally noon rolls around, and we decide to grab a bite to eat, and try to get the baby happy for it's big debut. We had to make a quick run back to the room to grab our paperwork so that after our appointment, we can check out.
We arrived early for our appointment, and waited (for those that know Tracy, patience is not something she is good at). Finally at 1:15pm the radiology tech called our name.
He took us back to the room, and explained the ultrasound process, and what he would be looking for.
He covered my belly with goop, and the fun started. First he located the heartbeat, and then figured out which direction baby was laying. He told us that baby was on it's back, with it's feet folded up by its belly (flexible).
He did a quick once-over and located a head, heart, 2 arms, spine, belly, and 2 legs. It was at this time he asked if we wanted to know what we were having.....YES!!!!
He looked and said that "there are no boy parts, so I would say it is a GIRL!!!! We kind of had an idea it was a girl, but now we know for sure.
The rest of the ultrasound was measuring how big her head is, her belly, her femurs etc. The tech was very focused on her heart, and mentioned a thousand times that she has a 4 chamber heart....this is normal. The tech pointed out the lungs, kidneys and bladder, and checked blood flow through all. He then went back to baby's head, and this is where things got interesting. He was trying to focus in on her face, and she was not cooperating. Several times she placed her hands over her face. At one point she started to suck her thumb (we will have to break that habit). The tech started to get a little frustrated, and at one time, she actually flipped him off....yep that's our girl.
After about 80 minutes, the tech was finally done. He wiped off all of the goop (I think about half a gallon was used), gave us our copies of the pictures, and sent us on our way.
We checked out with Medevac, and went back to our room to inform the family. On our way back to the room, it hit Jon....he was going to have a GIRL....he is now shopping for more guns!
We got back to the room, and not only was my mom online, so was my sister.....mind you it was 11:00pm in CA. We told them both, and they were very excited. We let our friends know next, and then the rest of the world via facebook.
That night, we went to dinner with Tracy's boss at the base Chili's (Iwakuni is the only base in Japan without a Chili's).
Saturday March 23, 2013
Today we came home. We literally took the same route but in reverse. We made it home by 3:30pm to Iwakuni, and we were very happy to be in our own home. We decided to grab a celebratory Indian Dinner at our favorite restaurant Taj, and called it an early night.....again.
We have a lot to do before our little girl comes, and we will get it all done eventually!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Hiking Mt. Inoyama with a baby bump
We decided since the weather was getting a little nicer, it would be a good time to take a hike. We drove over to Oshima Island, and the plan was to hike Mt. Inoyama, which has an observation tower at the top. We parked at the bottom, and started hiking!
First stop....about 15 minutes into hiking....the bridge in the back connects Iwakuni to Oshima Island.
Oh yea, check out the baby bump
Random rock we has been cut in half and looked like a butterfly - who knows if it is supposed to be like that or not!
So this hike basically consists of a road that winds up the mountain and ends at the I was told. As we were hiking, there were several cars that passed us going up the mountain...I figured they were going to the few homes that were scattered along the mountain...WRONG!
Come to find out...there is a parking lot at the top next to the observation deck...grrrr!
After an hour of hiking straight up, we made it to the top of the mountain, and the observation deck. It was a clear day for the most part. Crazy that it was about 20 degrees colder on top of the observation deck, than on the mountain....we stayed long enough to take pictures and left.
This is a view of Iwakuni City from Oshima Island
Coming back down the mountain...I think
Another view from the top
View from the second deck of the observation tower...not as windy or cold
Looking down from the top deck of the observation tower
Looking out towards Yanai, little hazier towards the south
This is our "Take the picture, I'm freezing" look
It took another 30 minutes to hike down the mountain, but overall it was a good hike.
I did tell Jon several times, that the next time we hike, he gets to carry the baby....I think it is a good deal!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Baby update & Overnight Okinawa Trip
On Thursday Feb 7, 2013 I had my 15 week appointment with my Dr. I was hoping to get some new baby pictures, but it was not that type of appointment...this one was kind of boring...I guess that is good since Jon is out of town in Okinawa firing off round after round on the range.
I showed up for my appointment, and did the everyday check-in with vitals and weight. Good news, I have only gained 3.8 pounds in 15 weeks! I get taken by a corpsman to the Dr.s office, and she says we are going to check the baby's heart beat. Ok, cool. Now I know I am not an OB/L&D Nurse, but I do know that I am not far along enough to be checking for a heartbeat at my belly-button. Since I do have a little bit of knowledge, I did not panic when the corpsmen could not find the heartbeat, well let me rephrase, when the only heartbeat she could find was mine (mine was should be 130's-170's). Anywho, after about 15 minutes, the corpsmen decided to get the Dr, who said "Let's find it with ultrasound, last time this baby was hiding"! Guess what, still hiding on my left side...but this time, it looked like he/she was doing the backstroke (possible swimmer....I think so). Anywho, we have a strong heartbeat in the 160's (does that mean girl or boy)?
I then was sent to have another round of labs done, for quad screening...basically looking for neural tube defects (spina bifida...hence the folic acid supplement) and down syndrome. Results take about 3 weeks....not concerned.
Lastly, I received my orders for medevac to go to Yokosuka next month for the big bio-physical profile ultrasound, as well as to find out what we are having (I think we are split 50/50 in our house, and my parents are leaning towards girl....we will soon find out).
Friday, was another busy day for me. I worked most of the day, and had plans to fly to Okinawa to literally meet Jon for dinner, and do a little shopping. The plan was to fly out on the weekly Patriot Express and turn right around the next day, and fly back. My friend Rachel decided to come as well, because who can pass up shopping and dinner at Chili's (did I mention we are the only base in Japan to not have a Chili's).
Rachel and I showed up at the terminal ready to fly, and found out that the Patriot Express was delayed 2 hours (that means 2 less hours of shopping). Luckily, a Colonel, Lt. Colonel and a Gunnery Sergeant came to our rescue (not really), they just happened to be flying back to Okinawa, and had room on their plane for us, and were willing to take us....oh yea, these flights are FREE!!
I showed up for my appointment, and did the everyday check-in with vitals and weight. Good news, I have only gained 3.8 pounds in 15 weeks! I get taken by a corpsman to the Dr.s office, and she says we are going to check the baby's heart beat. Ok, cool. Now I know I am not an OB/L&D Nurse, but I do know that I am not far along enough to be checking for a heartbeat at my belly-button. Since I do have a little bit of knowledge, I did not panic when the corpsmen could not find the heartbeat, well let me rephrase, when the only heartbeat she could find was mine (mine was should be 130's-170's). Anywho, after about 15 minutes, the corpsmen decided to get the Dr, who said "Let's find it with ultrasound, last time this baby was hiding"! Guess what, still hiding on my left side...but this time, it looked like he/she was doing the backstroke (possible swimmer....I think so). Anywho, we have a strong heartbeat in the 160's (does that mean girl or boy)?
I then was sent to have another round of labs done, for quad screening...basically looking for neural tube defects (spina bifida...hence the folic acid supplement) and down syndrome. Results take about 3 weeks....not concerned.
Lastly, I received my orders for medevac to go to Yokosuka next month for the big bio-physical profile ultrasound, as well as to find out what we are having (I think we are split 50/50 in our house, and my parents are leaning towards girl....we will soon find out).
Friday, was another busy day for me. I worked most of the day, and had plans to fly to Okinawa to literally meet Jon for dinner, and do a little shopping. The plan was to fly out on the weekly Patriot Express and turn right around the next day, and fly back. My friend Rachel decided to come as well, because who can pass up shopping and dinner at Chili's (did I mention we are the only base in Japan to not have a Chili's).
Rachel and I showed up at the terminal ready to fly, and found out that the Patriot Express was delayed 2 hours (that means 2 less hours of shopping). Luckily, a Colonel, Lt. Colonel and a Gunnery Sergeant came to our rescue (not really), they just happened to be flying back to Okinawa, and had room on their plane for us, and were willing to take us....oh yea, these flights are FREE!!
How lucky were we, they forgot to mention it was a C35, more commonly referred to as a Lear jet. Not a bad way to travel, and even better, they landed on the same base Jon is currently stationed about that for luck. We managed to take off and land earlier than we would have had the Patriot Express been on time...which actually bought us some time. We shopped til we literally dropped, and at that time headed for Chili's. It was a much needed quick getaway to see the hubby and just get away.
Next up....Jon comes home to the 'kuni, and we start planning for a trip to Yokosuka, and start getting ready for a baby.
Stay tuned!
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Big News
Yep, that's right....we are having a baby! Don't get confused, it is only one, Jon was a little picture happy so he posted two pictures....we have had several people comment that they thought there was two! As of today, we are 14 weeks 5 days (this is taking forever) and we have a due date of July 31, 2013. Of course Granny loves that date as her birthday is July 30....
We will keep everyone updated, and more pictures to come.
Next appointment is Thursday Feb 7th.....from there we will know when we go to Yokosuka (Navy base in Tokyo) for a big ultrasound...and hopefully to find out what we are exciting!
Stay tuned!
USMC Birthday Ball 2012
It's that time of year again, the 237th Marine Corps Birthday Ball.
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Taken by a friend with a good camera...oh wait, she is also a professional photographer...that helps! |
Monday, January 21, 2013
Thanksgiving in Seoul, Korea
What to do for Thanksgiving to Seoul, Korea. The trip was offered through our travel agency here on base, and the price was too good to pass up! We flew from Fukuoka, Japan to Seoul, Korea. The flight itself takes about an hour and twenty minutes, and is a super easy flight. Our trip included a 4 night stay at the Dragon Hill Lodge which is located on Yongsan Army Garrison Base in Seoul. The hotel has to be one of the better hotels I have ever stayed in.
As part of our tour, we took an all day trip to the DMZ or the Demilitarized Zone which is a 4km "line" that separates North and South Korea. We learned that there are people that live and work on the land in the DMZ, and they literally do not belong to North or South Korea, they just exist.
We were able at one part of our tour to literally be across the street from North Korea. While we were there, 2 North Korean soldiers came out to see what we were doing, and to let their presence be known. We were also told that to our immediate right was a building that about 25 North Koreans were in, and at any given point, they would have their weapons drawn and pointing towards us....kind of not cool if you ask me.
In this picture, the white building is in North Korea. The soldiers with their backs to us are ROK (Republic of Korea) soldiers. These are men who belong to the South Korean military, and help the U.S. military in dealing with North Korea. We learned a lot about the ROK soldiers. They wear aviator sunglasses at all times, so that their eyes can not be seen. They stand in a martial-arts stance at all times, ready to fight. We were told not to touch the ROK soldiers, and not to walk in front of them as they take that as a threat.
Us standing in the blue building in the left of the previous picture. It is in this building that we can actually cross safely into North Korea. We had 3 ROK soldiers with us that stood on guard the entire time we were in the building. It is hard to see, but there is a table in front of us, that has 4 chairs on the North side and 4 chairs on the South side....this allows for meetings to take place, and no one having to switch sides.
Picture of us with North Korea in the background. To the left is the Bridge of No Return....
After walking around Seoul for the day, we decided to head out and check out the night life. As we were walking back to the base, Jon noticed the Seoul Tower lit's a bad picture, but that is the Seoul Tower.
Our last day in Seoul. Of course the last day has the best weather! Every single day was freezing and or raining/sleeting in Seoul, except today. We decided to set our coffee down, and take a picture in front of the fountain at the hotel. Next up, we have to pack to go home!
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